
Wedding Planning – Bring Order to the Chaos

software for indian weddings“I was going through the pictures in the wedding album. Papa and bhai looked very tired and tensed in most of them.” A newlywed bride in the family told me.

We can understand. Organizing a wedding is a complex exercise involving lots of family members and friends who are handling different aspects like shopping, vendors, flower arrangements, guest arrivals and menus.
(Image courtesy: Biswajit Gogoi)

Putting all of this together needs team work and trying to tackle these with diaries and Excels can make you go crazy. And tired and tensed, as this young lady found to her disappointment.

The hosts seldom get to enjoy their own events because they are always worrying about something or the other.

We decided to change this and empower you with technology to stay on top of all arrangements with powerful Internet based software that is available 24×7 to your entire management team.

Everyone knows one’s responsibility and completes the assignments and you stay updated about the big picture and fine details – effortlessly.

Put order into the chaos and spend more time with your family and guests! Enjoy the events you have so smoothly organized!

Sign up for WedPlan and you will be streamlining everything within minutes.

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