Wedding Planners Ahoy! Meet WedPlan
As a professional wedding planner, you very well know the 1000s of minute details required to plan and organize a wedding in India. Sometimes, even for a professional team, it’s pretty unnerving. Our wedding planning software, WedPlan has special advantages for professionals like you!
1. Logistics
As wedding planners, you have to manage lots of logistical aspects of a wedding. It involves multiple stages of planning and each stage has 100s of tasks to carry out. It is easy to miss out a few and face embarrassment or running around at the last moment.
The available tools like Excel sheets or organizers are cumbersome. WedPlan helps you maintain records conveniently under separate heads and groups.
2. Multiple Weddings – Just Switch and Rule
Often you are managing multiple weddings at the same time. With WedPlan, you can just switch context from one wedding to another and start looking at the data of the new one (needs multiple licenses).
3. Multi-level budgets
Gone are the days of budgeting and making cost estimations on pen and paper or on unwieldy Excel sheets. WedPlan offers you the convenience of allocating funds to different items under separate heads.
It has multiple levels of details under each head. So you can break up the wedding venue expenses as hall charges, decoration, valet parking, cleaning – any number of heads, any number of levels.
4. Client Access
You can give access to the wedding host and allow them to see the current status and also make updates, specially related to the guest list and RSVP. You don’t want them sending you Excel sheet after Excel sheet, all with 1 or 2 changes. They can update their gifting plans, be it gifts for ceremonies or the sweet boxes you need to distribute.
5. Latest tech
Using a modern tool like WedPlan can get you a premium positioning in the client’s mind. Access it through any device, be it a desktop, laptop, tablet or a smartphone.
6. Emails and SMS
Sending emails/sms for information or invitation on the client’s behalf is super easy through WedPlan. Check out the scheduled SMS facility that uses a smart list and sends out to all guests for an event, even the ones included just before the time of sending.
You do not inadvertently miss out on sending invitations to a couple of guests, avoiding any embarrassment for the host. You do not forget to send the invites. Once scheduled, they go out automatically at the right time.
7. All Arrivals & Departures on your finger-tips
It is easy to maintain a data list of arrival/departure times of your outstation guests. You can also key in details like the name of the hotel or the room number in which he/she will be put up and the car/driver allocated to him or her. Reduces chances of confusion and mismanagement.
8. Team Work for success
Easily delegate responsibilities to the members of your team. Give them access to the menu options that they are supposed to view and restrict the rest.
9. Samagri list – don’t run out
Prepare a list of items needed for the different rituals using WedPlan. Avoid last-minute confusion and be ready with all the things that you will need.
10. Good food makes all the difference
Create and maintain the food menu for the various functions and also for guests at home. Check for duplicate dishes and replace with new options. Good food delights the guests more than any other arrangement.
11. Checklists – don’t miss things
Maintain checklists for different events and ceremonies and make available to all your staff. It will be difficult for them to go wrong after this.
There are many other tangible benefits of using this software which you can discover when you register for the FREE demo access.
Start using WedPlan today for a powerful helping hand in the logistics section and focus heavily on the creative part.
Kill the stress and serve better!