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WedPlan Software: Indian Wedding Planning Made Easy

“Is WedPlan useful for planning and managing only Indian weddings?” This is a question which is often asked by our foreign clients and prospective customers. The answer- “WedPlan can make planning any wedding much easier; not only the big, fat Indian weddings.” Most of the complex planning and management issues of weddings across the world…

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Wedding Portals – All Resources at One Place

Do you have a marriage in your family? Yourself getting married? Congrats! But are you a little-worried thinking about the complexities of planning & managing the wedding arrangements? Lots of help is available on the Internet. There are several wedding portals online, like www.theknot.com, that list 1000s of resources related to all aspects of the…

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Wedding Planning Checklist: Plan Early, Plan Well

Getting married? Wedding in family? This must be one of the most important things in your life. It is believed that love or matrimonial alliance between two is arranged in the heavens. But that is the easy part. Niecy Nash had once famously said-“Falling in love was the easy part; planning a wedding-yikes!” This wedding…


Wedding Planning Checklists for Stress-free Management

Wedding planning checklists have a vital role to play in the smooth management of the wedding arrangements. If you prepare things-to-do lists for all major areas, you can pass these on to the person handling that activity, ensuring that the plans are executed perfectly. Make a wedding list for all of the following: Shopping lists with…


Family Relation Management with WedPlan

The WedPlan wedding planning software has another use – the Family Relation Manager or FRM. Here’s how! When you maintain your contacts information (including details of family & friends) with WedPlan, you can stay in constant touch with them. Keep their information updated without any work on your part. You can request address and family updates…