5 Reasons To Use a Wedding Planning Software for The Wedding in Your Family

5 reasons to use wedding planning softwareDo you have a marriage in family coming up? Everyone super busy with tons of planning and preparation? Fret not. There is a simpler, more effective solution for all your wedding planning woes – the Wedding Planning software.

You must be thinking “How can some software help me manage a wedding better? I have tons of work to do & no time to use a software”. But that’s precisely why you need it. Because you have too much to do & too little time.

Here are 5 reasons why you should use our wedding planning software to plan and manage your wedding:

1. You can say goodbye to planning through diaries, Excels & WhatsApp messages

I know weddings have always been planned on diaries. Recently Excels (spreadsheets) have been in vogue. But isn’t it so cumbersome? At the end of the day, you still have to search for the page where you wrote a particular note. And how many dog-ears will you make!

And what can I say about Excels! You, as the organizer, have to update everything on behalf of your volunteers. You probably keep-taking updates on phone / email & then editing your Excel sheets. How about – your volunteers update their own progress in real time?

Whats-app messages provide you updates about progress. But do you keep scrolling up conversations and noting down who was asked to do what? Rather, do you totally depend on your memory to remember who was assigned which work?

With the wedding planning software at your disposal, you can do away with these cumbersome methods where you are definitely going to miss out on some important to-dos.  It makes sure all your information is in one place neatly categorized with tags & available to you with a single click.

If you have added a to-do, it will remain there – in all its glory (i.e., details about whom you assigned it to, what needs to be done etc). All you need to do is, assign the task as soon as one comes to your mind. No stressing, no remembering to give the job to x when you will next meet him. Easy to manage, right?

2. It helps you finish your to-dos in time

Now that you have bidden good bye to the diaries and Excel sheets, you have your list of to-dos in one place. Available with a single click or search. But how does it ensure you get your work done in time? Here’s the clue –

The software prioritizes your to-do list on the basis of deadlines and due dates. All your high priority, do-it-soon tasks will be on top of your timeline and your mind. It can even send your volunteers and helping team daily reminders about their responsibilities.

Of course you will still have to go out and do the work (and get your volunteers to do theirs), but the software ensures that you won’t forget anything. And you know which work needs immediate attention and which work can be put on hold for some time.

3. It makes you a more hospitable host

Guests are a very important part of every wedding. Making sure that they enjoy & have a comfortable time – is one of the top contenders on the priority life of every wedding organizer. After all, we are the propagators of the concept ‘Atithi devo bhava’. But what do you do to ensure this?

Simply booking the best place and making the best arrangements is not enough. You also need to manage gifts for everyone, make sure they don’t have to ask for anything and much more. However, with hundreds of guests on your guest list, it becomes a harrowing task – to ensure that everyone goes back happy.

The wedding planning software takes care of your guests’ lists and helps you do the following easily:

– Manage the invitations and the RSVP

– Manage gifts for the guests

– Coordinate their arrival & departure schedule with the transportation and accommodation arrangements.

– Sort their lists according to the events they have been invited to & send invitations accordingly.

– Send reminder messages to the guests about the various functions and events.

4. It transforms your support team into an army with the mission to pull off the ‘best wedding ever’

Sounds too crazy? It is actually possible and easy. With clumsy methods like emails and WhatsApp messages out of the picture, all your volunteers and wedding preparation team members get a very uncluttered and organized way of functioning.

Since they don’t get the wedding work mixed with their own emails and to-dos, they don’t confuse things. This makes the whole process more enjoyable. They see that everything is happening smoothly & systematically. And they start putting in their best effort to make sure they don’t screw up the work assigned to them.

So, the whole preparation gathers momentum as everyone starts putting their best foot forward (of course, with a little nudge from your side). Result – an army on a mission to pull off the ‘best wedding ever’.

5. It converts your preparation into a celebration – like it is supposed to be

A wedding is a celebration; of two people starting a new life together and of two families becoming one. But, the plethora of work that precedes the D-day, hardly leaves any wedding organizer with much energy to participate in his / her own family functions & celebrate.

I mean, what is the point of planning so much if you are unable to free some quality time for your daughter who is going to get married soon? What is the benefit of all the hard work if you could not be there to enjoy the ceremonies you so tirelessly worked for?

Hence, you don’t need to just plan. You need to plan smarter. And that’s why you need a wedding planning software. It gives you the much needed time to relax & breathe, to sit back and enjoy what’s happening while keeping full control over the situation.

Make sure you don’t get bogged down by your to-dos and do not get time to enjoy the pre-wedding time with your family. You may even come up with some exotic new ideas for your events once the mundane does not require your undivided attention.

So, do the new. Plan your wedding better with our software. Ask for a FREE demo.

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